September 1, 2017

Sumitomo Rubber Industries Releases "CSR Report 2017" in English

Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Ltd. is pleased to announce the publication of the English language version of our "CSR Report 2017," which details our Group's CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) activities during the previous year.

 With the aim of making this year's CSR Report more accessible and easier for everyone to read, our "CSR Report 2017" are divided into sections categorized according to our Group's GENKI* CSR Guidelines, which form a key component of our CSR Basic Philosophy.

 In addition, this year's CSR Report also includes special features introducing our new Trilateral Global Management System with its regional headquarters for Asia/Pacific, Europe/Africa and the Americas, as well as the results of our groundbreaking research to shed light on the chemical structure and biosynthesis process of natural rubber.

"CSR Report 2017" is available online at the following URL:

 In order to fulfill our social responsibilities as an "Eco First Company," the Sumitomo Rubber Group will continue working to contribute to the development of a sustainable society.

*GENKI stands for the five basic categories of our CSR activities: "Green Initiative" (planting trees), "Ecology" (reducing the environmental impact of our business activities), "NEXT" (developing next-generation technologies and products), "Kindness" (efforts to improve people's lives) and "Integrity" (honesty and reliability for all of our stakeholders). The word "genki" also means "energetic" in Japanese.


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